Shin pain may refer to a number of lower leg complaints and injuries. In most cases, shin pain (splints) refer to the pain that results from overload on the tissues that connect muscles to the shin bone (tibia). They also may come from the small bone of the lower leg and ankle, called the fibula.


An extremely frequent lower leg pain is due to shin pain and injury. This usually manifests into shin splints.

Pain involving small tears of leg muscle near the shin bone are referred to as shin splints. They are   common in people who are athletically involved in running and walking activities.

Tenderness, tightness, throbbing, after activity on the shin bone area are typical symptoms of shin pain.

As shin splints progress they may become stress fractures. This affects sport performance and your training. Causes may vary. Consult with your sport therapist to determine causes and solutions to avoiding shin pain. This may be achieved with a treatment plan designed by your sport therapist.

  • Calf Muscle Tear
  • DOMS – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lupus
  • Muscle Strain (Muscle Pain)
  • Overuse Injuries
  • Pinched Nerve
  • Sciatica
  • Shin Splints
  • Stress Fracture

At Olympic Sport Therapy, We  know traditionally shin pain is treated short term with the use of pain killers. Instead of treating the symptoms we assess why you are having the pain and custom design a treatment plan for you. We feel strongly if you do not address why you are getting the pain and correct it, this will be a recurring pain.

It is usually best to begin treatment of injuries early. Early treatment will relieve your pain quicker, will improve scar tissue as it forms, sport therapy will get you back to the sport aa quickly as possible.

Injuries left untreated have been proven to leave you with abnormal scar tissue, stiffness of joints, and muscle weakness.


Shin is the front part of the leg from the knee to the ankle.