A pinched nerve may go by several different names. It may be called nerve compression, entrapment, or impingement. Many problems involving pinched nerves will be called syndromes. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome , thoracic outlet syndrome, and piriformis syndrome.


A pinched nerve is defined as an increase in pressure around a nerve can cause a pinched nerve Body position, leaning on elbows, crossing legs, poor posture, can all lead to a pinched nerve. Common causes include body position such as leaning on elbows, habitually crossing legs, or poor posture, may overtime lead to a pinched nerve.

Tingling sensation is the most common symptom of a pinched nerve accompanied by numbness. These sensations may come and go but eventually be persistent. A “sharp” or “electrical “pain can accompany the numbness or burning in the affected area.

Muscle weakness may occur in severe cases due to irritation of the nerve that controls that muscle. If left untreated those muscles can reduce in size and function.

The following are common areas of pinched nerves:

  • carpal tunnel
  • ulnar nerve at the elbow
  • lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This is compression of the sensory nerve leading to the upper thigh.
  • common peroneal nerve injury (Crossing of legs at the knee)


  • sciatic nervecondition when pain that runs from the lower back, through the buttock, the hamstrings and into the lower leg is considered Sciatica.  The longest nerve in the body is the sciatic nerve. This originates from the spinal section L4, L5 or S1.
  • cervical spine (This is a condition where a pinched nerve causes pain or tingling to travel from the neck to the armor shoulder blade region.)
  • Tennis elbow. Although tennis elbow may be thought to be a pinched nerve it is actually inflammation of the tendons.


A pinched nerve occurs when too much pressure is applied to a nerve by surrounding tissues, such as bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons. This pressure disrupts the nerve’s function, causing pain, tingling, numbness or weakness.