A hamstring injury occurs when 1 or more of the 3 hamstring muscles or tendons (a type of soft tissue connecting the muscle to the bone) tear. It is 1 of the most common injuries of the lower body, particularly affecting athletes participating in sports such as football, soccer, or track.


The hamstring is made up of 4 muscles. Hamstring strain is a very common leg injury that involves a tear in one or more of the hamstring muscles. This can be from mild to very severe involving a complete tear of the hamstring muscle.

A low grade ache or tightness in your hamstring would indicate a mild hamstring strain. Symptoms where it becomes impossible to stand or walk and are extremely painful would be a sign of a severe hamstring strain.

Other hamstring strain symptoms:

  • A snapping or popping feeling accompanied by sudden and severe pain during exercise.
  • Pain in the back of the lower buttock or thigh when straightening the leg, walking, or bending over.
  • Tenderness of the hamstring.

Your sports doctor will look for signs of pain on hamstring contraction, tenderness or a palpable lump or gap within the hamstring muscle bulk, reduced hamstring flexibility. Based on the severity, pulled hamstrings are graded 1, 2 or 3.

To identify the extent and location of a hamstring tear, a MRI and ultrasound scan may be used.

With a grade 1 hamstring strain you will be able to walk normally but have may have tightness in back of the thigh.  There will be some hamstring discomfort and you will not be able to run at full speed. There may be mild swelling and spasm. You will experience pain with resistance when you bend your knee.


With a grade 2 hamstring strain you will most likely be limping and will affect your walking pattern.  Twinges of pain during activity in the hamstring will be present. Your hamstring will be tender when palpating and there will be muscle swelling. You may notice some hamstring muscle swelling and your hamstring will be tender to palpate. It will be painful with resistance when you bend your knee.

A grade 3 hamstring strain is a tear to half or all of the muscle and is considered a severe injury. You will feel weakness in the muscle feel severe pain in the muscle and will need crutches to walk. Bruising will   appear with in 24 hours and swelling will be noticeable immediately. Diagnostic MRI may also be used to specifically identify the grade of hamstring tear and its exact location.

The sciatic nerve passes through the hamstring muscle group. Lower back injury or an injury that pinches the sciatic nerve can replicate hamstring pain. Have you doctor diagnose before seeking treatment from your sport therapist.

After a few days’ patients will feel better from a hamstring injury. Re-injury to the hamstring is a high rate due to the poor rehabilitation process.  Hamstring strains are one injury that professional guidance is highly recommended for both an accurate diagnosis but also provide you with the best chance of avoiding repeat hamstring injuries.

Your sport therapy treatment plan will aim to:

  • Reduce hamstring inflammation and pain.
  • Normalize your muscle extensibility and range of motion.
  • Strengthen your hamstrings and knee muscles.
  • Strengthen your lower limb muscles: pelvis muscles, calves, and hip.
  • Normalize lumbar-pelvic control and stability – a co-factor in many hamstring strains.
  • Normalize your neurodynamics to enable your sciatic nerve to pass freely without scar adhesions.
  • Improve your agility, balance game speed and proprioception.
  • Improve your function and technique. For example, running, jumping, sprinting, hopping and landing.
  • Minimize your chance of hamstring re-injury.
Many athletes will try kinesio taping for hamstring strains. They provide warmth, confidence, and proprioceptive feedback, which should reduce your likelihood of re-injury of the hamstring.

Hamstring surgery is limited to ruptures and to remove scar tissue for athletes that have chronic hamstring tears.

At Olympic Sport Therapy there are some basic recovery times when followed with a treatment plan by your sport therapist.

Grade 1 – 1 to 3 weeks

Grade 2 – 4 to 8 weeks

Grade 3 – 3 to 6 months. These may also require surgery.


Hamstring injury is a muscle injury of the biceps femoris, seen in sprinters and runners when a contracted muscle meets a lengthening force, overpowering intrinsic muscle resiliency Management RICE—rest, ice, compression, elevation; NSAIDs, gradual increase of pain-free activity—e.g., isometric, isotonic, andisokinetic stages