It is estimated that 40% of all youth injuries are sports related. Injuries from sports can be acute/traumatic or chronic/long term. Traumatic injuries from sports fall into two types of categories.

  1. Macro (due to a single event such as a fracture)
  2. Micro ( due to repetitive or overuse trauma)
Overuse injuries are mostly preventable. These can include stress fracture and tendinopathies. If the young athlete suffers any overuse injury the best choice for treatment is to rest the injury by avoiding the activity that is causing the problem, reducing the intensity until a professional medical diagnosis can be given.
Unfortunately injuries in young athletes are often overlooked and not taken as seriously. Often times they cannot convey the type of pain they are in and therefore encourage to play through the pain or toughen up. This is not in the young athletes’ best interest and is strongly suggested to talk with the young athlete and make sure they address all injuries with their parents and coaches. There are many reasons this is important but here is just a few:

Young athletes bodies are still maturing and injuries can affect the growth plates causing long term injury

  1. It can lead to delayed healing and return to sports
  2. It can turn an easily treatable injury into a more difficult one to treat
  3. In some instances it can lead to long-term or permanent injury and prevent the young athlete to continue playing sports indefinitely
Receiving an accurate diagnosis is critical for a young athlete. For traumatic injuries a family physician could require the use of diagnostic tests such as MRI, Xray and ultrasound scans. Usually in most non traumatic cases a Doctor can give a proper diagnosis by performing a good history as well as a systematic examination of the injured structures.

It is important to remember that when in doubt seek out medical professional diagnosis.

British Sports Therapy can help you prevent muscle injuries as well as helping the young athlete recover more quickly from injuries.  This can include but not limited to Soft Tissue Release, Myofascial techniques, stretching, cross fiber friction, and Trigger Point Therapy. After a thorough assessment of the athletes’ body mechanics, a treatment planned will be created to help you achieve optimum performance.


Olympic Sport Therapy

Sport injuries come unexpectedly. The more you push your body to its limits, the more you will have sport injury! So what are you going to do about it? Medical Massage and Sport Massage continues to improve every year. Health professionals, such as your physician, chiropractor and physical therapist will recommend massage for your condition knowing the benefits of it. If you wish to assess, accurately find out about your condition and optimally manage your sport injury in the shortest possible time, then you should book a free session with a specialist in sport massage at Olympic Sport Therapy.

Match Your Sport Needs With A Customized Massage

Knowing what type of sport you perform and to identify injuries specific to your chosen sport are found on this website. We have categorized the most common sport injuries specific to your sport. Simply select your sport from the tabs below and learn more about your sport injury.